Above are all of the hummingbird and owl press forming works I’ve been working on…an interesting ride, I must say.
Above is the completed silver hummingbird skull and titanium pendant, with leather neck cord.
Available soon at BladeGallery.com
Below are images of a Hummingbird Medicine Pouch. This one is for the August fundraising auction of my local knapping group (stone tool making). All the ladies I’ve shown this one to have seemed to like it! It’s made from copper, naturally shed elk and deer antler, and buckskin.
By the way, you can find a complete (and free!) tutorial on making buckskin pouches just like these in my Resources section. Here’s a handy link to take you right to it! Making Buckskin Pouches…
Copper press formed and chased skull, on carved naturally-shed elk antler. I’ll tie the skull onto the antler with waxed linen thread.
The first Hummingbird Skull pouch met with such aclaim that I had to do another to go to BladeGallery.com – available there soon. On this pouch, I’ve used a naturally-shed deer antler for the toggle catch, and carved a Northwest Native American-style orca on it.
Thanks for looking!
Really impressed with your titanium pendant, enjoyed your metal forming adventures.
Thanks, Jeff! Glad you’ve enjoyed my efforts.