Today was working on the dragon’s throat. I began (above) by engraving large armored plates on the dragons’s throat – on the left is a side view, and on the right is the view from below.
Of course, since the dragon’s throat needs to be flexible, there needs to be skin in between the plates so it can all expand when he (or she) eats a cow or a knight (whole, of course). So, above, I’ve obliged by using a small carbide bur to cut a “scribble texture” in between the plates.
It’s also time to address her lower jaws
, and I think the appropriate thing here would be more scribble texture for her rough skin. She doesn’t need armor here, since there is very thick bone beneath. No vulnerable spots here…
And, of course, scribble texture for her upper snout as well. The images above show the texture before and after adding patina. Next, I’ll inlay 24 karat gold for the eyes.
Thanks for looking!