Time to start another knife project. I think this will be a small push dagger
, in knapped steel style with my nasty “ripper edge.
Grinding my signature “knapped steel” flake scars into 3/16 inch thick 1084 steel
, followed by differential hardening and tempering. You can see the two tools I used for the grinding and carving… By the way, grinding is done before heat treat.
Lightening the knapped steel push dagger by removing some of the interior steel from the handle. Careful drilling and cutting out the web with a jeweler’s saw. Tape that blade! Don’t ask me how I know to do this…
Time to fabricate the handle scales for the knapped steel push dagger. I hot forged and cold rolled 1/4 inch thick tellurium copper thinner. Now I have to figure out what lives on these scales…
Thanks for Looking!
Tom Sterling